Stanley 533891 FatMax Extreme Tape Rule 8m


Posted by Liam Foot on February 12, 2014 Reviews

FatMax range, pretty much the seal of excellency in hand tools, most of the time. The thing that shocked me about this was that there is no quick lock, only the main lock, so you pretty much have to hold the blade if you're not in a position to use the main blade lock. It's quite big, and feels very solid. The best thing about this, for me, is the hook on the end of the tape. Instead of only being able to hook with the underside of the tape, you can hook with the top side, either of the sides, hook diagonally.... it's pretty handy, and makes measuring things much easier. The hook also compensates for differences in taking an inside or outside measurement, which is also a nice feature.

The 4m standout claim is probably about right. I got it to 3.3m before running out of space in the room I was in. It was curving quite a bit but the blade hadn't dropped yet.

Fantastic tape measure.

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